New Strategic E-Learning Training Alliance

Westminster Aviation Security Ltd. (‘WASS’) is pleased to announce the signing of a Strategic Alliance with JP International Training Limited (‘JP International’).


JP International is one of the premier providers of aviation and security training, with focus on their

e-learning platform. Based in the UK and established in 2000 the business has expanded throughout Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.


Whilst its roots are in the heavily regulated aviation industry, their products and services now cover numerous high threat environments.


Commenting on the alliance, James Pike, Managing Director of JP Aviation Training services said:


“JP international (Formerly known as JP International Aviation Security Ltd) are excited by this new partnership with WASS and we are delighted to be working with a company with such an exemplary reputation in the industry. Our combined services will strengthen both companies’ scope and ability to tender for blended learning solutions, involving both trainer led and e-learning solutions.


“We are looking forward to a long-lasting relationship, working closely together and offering high quality aviation security training and consultancy.”


Joanna Fowler, Head of Managed Services for the Westminster Group, commented:


We are delighted with this latest development and very happy to be working with JP International and their impressive team.


“WASS has been developing its worldwide network of aviation training both organically and through targeted strategic partnerships. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of non-contact, distance e-learning solutions for companies and organisations to ensure their staff remain compliant and up to date with all training requirements. 


“As part of our expansion programme in today’s New Normal, we have been developing solutions to provide our worldwide clients, organisations and businesses with e-Learning platforms to help maintain skills and competency of their staff. Our strategic partnership with JP International will enhance our e-product services and will allow access to industry-leading training, delivered at our clients’ own pace and tailored to enhance their employees knowledge, skills and ability so they may carry out their roles effectively;


“In addition to the Aviation Security Courses, our expanded portfolio will include other courses such as Health & Safety, Manual Handling, Fire Safety and First Aid to mention just a few.


“We are also in discussions regarding a number of long-term blended learning programmes and we look forward to working together on securing new business. With our combined expertise and resources, we will offer our combined client base, as well as potential new clients, solutions to all their training, equipment supplies and consultancy requirements for many years to come.”

The Aviation Industry in the next 20 Years


More than half a million new pilots will be needed


The number of planes in the air is set to more than double over the next 20 years, according to a new forecast.

By 2038 there will be 48,000 passengers and freighter aircraft flying, predicts the latest Airbus Global Market Forecast, up from almost 23,000 today. The increase will require more than 39,000 new aircraft to be built, and more than half a million new pilots. In two decades’ time, only 8,470 planes will remain from the current fleet flying today, with growth coming from fuel-efficient aircraft.

Air traffic is set to grow at 4.3 per cent a year, the Airbus Global Market forecasted. The French planemaker predicts that large cities (”Aviation Mega Cities”), particularly in emerging markets, will drive aviation growth over the next 20 years. “The 4 per cent annual growth reflects the resilient nature of aviation, weathering short term economic shocks and geopolitical disturbances. Economies thrive on air transportation. People and goods want to connect,” said Christian Scherer, Airbus chief commercial officer and head of Airbus International.

“Globally, commercial aviation stimulates GDP growth and supports 65 million livelihoods, demonstrating the immense benefits our business brings to all societies and global trade.”

Earlier this week, Boeing predicted that China, soon to be the world’s largest aviation market, will need more than 8,000 planes to keep pace with demand.

The number of people flying continues to increase every year. In 2018, more than 4.4 billion people flew, an increase of 6.9 per cent year on year, according to figures from the International Air Transport Association (Iata). Trade body Iata found that more Britons travelled abroad last year than any other nationality. In 2018, 126.2 million passengers were British – totalling 8.6 per cent, roughly one in 12, of all international travellers.

For more aviation updates read some of our other articles 


8 Ways to Develop Your Employees


Investing in the development of employees is the most important and rewarding thing a manager can do. For some reason, though, it’s often the last thing on a manager’s “to do” list.


From a purely selfish perspective, when you develop employees, they become smarter and more productive, they perform at a higher level, and ultimately, make you look like a rock star. Developing employee skills also helps with recruiting and retaining the best employees, and it allows you to delegate so you can focus on your other roles as a manager. Most importantly, it’s rewarding because it’s what leadership is all about: making a difference in the lives of others.


If you’re unsure how to become a mentoring and motivating manager, these ten steps will help you.


✅ Start With Yourself

Before you can credibly and effectively develop others, you should develop yourself. Otherwise, you may come across as a hypocrite, rather than a genuine mentor. Shaping good behaviour starts with role modelling, and learning good self-development will also help sharpen your skills in developing others.


✅ Lay a Foundation of Trust and Mutual Respect

Employees need to know that discussing their development isn’t just a sneaky way to get them to admit their weaknesses. To inspire them to take ownership of the process, you have to start by building trust. Help them to see that you’re invested in their success and on their side.


✅ Ask Questions

Few people respond well to simply being told what they need to do. Instead of dictating the process, involve your employees by asking good questions. Coaching questions force employees to figure things out for themselves. Those queries can also be revisited after an assignment is completed as a way to reflect on lessons learned and cement the new knowledge or skill.


✅ Learn How to Delegate

A lot of managers will spend time on work that, while comfortable, they shouldn’t be doing. Letting go of the responsibilities you enjoy will help you develop your employees’ skills and free up your time, so it’s a win-win. But don’t expect your reports to do things the same way you would do them. They may fall at first and need additional instructions, but that’s how people learn. They may eventually do the job better than you.


✅ Give Stretch Assignments

Other than a job change, stretch assignments are hands down the best way to learn and develop. As a manager, you’re in a position to look for opportunities for your employees that are aligned with their development needs and career aspirations. Don’t think about picking the most qualified person for the assignment. Instead, think about picking the right developmental assignment for the person.


✅ Feedback

We all have behavioural blind spots. A manager is often the person who can tactfully help an employee see a weakness that’s getting in the way of their effectiveness or advancement. Be prepared to give feedback not only at performance reviews but throughout the year.


✅ Help Navigate Organizational Politics and Culture

Although “politics” is often viewed as a dirty word, it’s the way things get done in organizations. Your staff needs to know this and learn to navigate the office culture. Job shadowing and role-playing are two ways to educate employees about the ins and outs of being politically savvy.


✅ Spend Real Money

Lastly, whenever possible, enrich your employee’s developmental goals with training, conferences, coaches, and other tangible resources. A good training program, while not a substitute for what you can accomplish as a manager, will enhance your efforts and show your staff members that you’re legitimately invested in their growth.


JP IAS offers a wide range of training, suitable for every type of company. Some of them are:


Enroll your employees for our training! Don’t miss out the chance to improve their qualification and benefit your business.

3 Tips for Keeping Your Best Employees


Keeping your best employees is not easy these days. The workplace is evolving, and job-hopping is common practice for millennials. In this blog post, you will learn 3 tips for keeping your best employees.


  1. Hire the right people

It all begins with hiring the right person for the right position. Job descriptions should be comprehensive and updated frequently. Those doing the hiring will need to assess job candidates thoroughly and make sure they have the skills and personality to cope with the job and fit in with the culture of the company.

If you’re in the service industry, you should hire employees who understand what service entails and enjoy it. If you’re hiring for supervisory or managerial positions, it’s crucial to hire trained professionals as this will decrease job turnover. If you’re looking for part-time employees, partnering with universities and colleges can help you to find top-quality candidates.


  1. Offer them benefits

Companies that offer the most benefits to their employees are more likely to keep them. Many surveys reveal that health benefits are most important, followed by retirement funds. With the costs of healthcare rising, a strong employee health benefit plan is essential to recruit top talent.

Wellness programs offer health information and help employees to understand more about their health risk factors and make positive changes. This can improve productivity and reduce absenteeism.

Employers that offer generous paid off-time avoid burnout and retain their employees more successfully. Employees appreciate the possibility to take a break without being punished. Many employees value this more than a higher salary! Other important benefits are performance bonuses, paternity/maternity leave and flexible work hours.


  1.  Show them opportunities

If employees feel as though they have hit a wall or don’t see a future within the company, they will look for better opportunities elsewhere. If you enable them to acquire more skills and progress in their careers, they are far more likely to remain loyal.

Career development prospects and mentorship are attractive to the most talented employees. They would rather stay at a company offering them this than go to another company offering them a higher salary. One way to encourage them to keep progressing is to make it easier for them to study and do assignments. You can reimburse tuition fees and give them paid study leave before exams.


What better way to give your team more opportunities than providing them with proper training? JP IAS provides specialized Aviation Security, Cargo and Commercial courses. We have both classroom and online training; you can choose what suits your needs the best.

Some of our courses are:


You can check all of our courses here 


If you want to improve the qualification of your best people, gift them a new course. This will not only be helpful for their work but also a sign of trust and long-term intentions.


Contact us now and book a discovery call










*Information for this article has been used from

Developing Your Team


Your team is amazing. It works at the highest level of efficiency and reacts responsively at lightning speed in every situation. At times where additional effort is required, your team members step in and out of one another’s roles deftly and at a moment’s notice… right?

If this is not an accurate description of your team right now, you’ll be encouraged to know that it could be very soon. Do you know what your team needs to grow?

Developing your team is an important part of your job, whether you’re a new team leader or an experienced manager. And it doesn’t apply only to new hires. People need training and support throughout their careers, both as individuals and as teams, to develop their skills and continue to work effectively.

If you work in a small or medium-sized organization, you may perform the roles of recruiter, trainer and team leader. As a manager, however, you are in a great position to know how your people work, to identify what training they need to perform better, and to work closely with HR or L&D to deliver the right training to the right people at the right time.

Our course Team working is specially designed for all levels of employees within a business and as part of the induction process for new employees. The course is also ideal for use as part of the onboarding process for every new person in your team, it includes all skills and behaviours needed for effective integration into the workplace

By the end of this course, delegates will have an understanding of team roles, individual behaviour in a team and how a cohesive, motivated, positive team working effectively produces better results.

Learn more about the course here












Information for this article has been taken from:

Thank you for completing our survey!

Thank you for completing our survey!

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. We truly value the information you have provided. Your responses will contribute to our analyses and will help us improve our services!

For more updates follow our → LinkedIn page
If you have any comments on the survey or the courses, please contact us.

Many thanks,
James Pike

New Courses


We finally have most of the topics for the Highfield courses.


And here they are:


  1. Warehouse and Storage Levels 1, 2, 3 (e-learning) (each level is a standalone course)
  2. Health and Safety Levels 1 & 2 (e-learning) (each level is a standalone course)
  3. Health & Safety Level 3 This course is a blended course with e-learning and instructor training.
  4. Introduction to Fire Safety in the Workplace (e-learning)
  5. Fire Safety Level 2 (e-learning)
  6. Customer Service (e-learning)
  7. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (e-learning)
  8. Managing Conflict (e-learning)
  9. Team Working (e-learning)
  10. Stress Management (e-learning)
  11. Manual Handling (e-learning)
  12. Emergency First Aid at Work (e-learning)
  13. First Aid at Work (e-learning)
  14. Communication (e-learning)
  15. Equality and Diversity (e-learning)
  16. Spectator Safety (e-learning)
  17. Understanding Stewarding at Spectator Events (e-learning)
  18. Dangerous Goods Awareness E-learning and Instructor
  19. Ground Security Officer (GSO) Instructor Only (e-learning to follow)
  20. Ground Security Supervisor (GSS) Instructor only (e-learning to follow)
  21. Aviation Security Manager (ASM) Instructor only (e-learning to follow)
  22. Cargo Warehouse Manager (CM) (Regulated Agent) E-learning and Blended Instruction
  23. Cargo Warehouse Supervisor (CS) (Regulated Agent) E-learning and Blended Instruction
  24. Cargo Warehouse Employee + Drivers (CO) (Regulated Agent) E-learning and Blended Instruction
  25. Cargo Warehouse Screener (COS) (hand search + X-Ray) (Regulated Agent) E-learning and Blended instruction
  26. Cargo Aviation Security Principles (CASP) (Regulated Agent) E-learning
  27. In-Flight Supplies Security Training (IFSST) Classroom instruction (E-learning to follow)
  28. Airport Supplies Security Training (ASST) Classroom instruction (E-learning to follow)
  29. General Security Awareness Training (GSAT) E-learning
  30. Aircrew Security Training Classroom instruction (E-learning to follow)
  31. Known Consignor E-learning and Blended Instruction
  32. X-Ray 6 x 6 web delivery only


Help us understand your preferences better. We have prepared a quick survey to help us offer you the most appropriate courses for your employees. It will take about 5 minutes to complete.

We offer multi-purchase discounts to encourage you to enroll your employees to further their training and hopefully lead to greater productivity and profit for your company.